
How Botox® Works Behind the Scenes to Minimize Wrinkles

Apr 11, 2024
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Though there are plenty of ways you can delay the onset of wrinkles, they’re going to develop at some point. Find out how Botox® can do all the heavy lifting for wrinkle prevention and eradication here.

As we age, wrinkles come for us all. If you use sunscreen, avoid smoking, and moisturize often, you might delay the onset of skin aging; however, the loss of collagen and elastin and the effects of gravity over time make wrinkles and fine lines inevitable

Though there are plenty of cosmetic products available that can address pesky wrinkles, nothing works quite like Botox® injections, a popular aesthetic procedure. Even though Botox is a household name, you might not realize just how much these injections can actually do.

At Pure Bliss Med Spa in Sandy Springs, Georgia, our team led by Asha Hill, NP, offers Botox injections to rejuvenate your skin and help you feel your best. One of the greatest perks of Botox is that it requires little to no effort on your part.

In this blog, we discuss how Botox works to erase fine lines and wrinkles while you simply sit back and watch the magic.

How do wrinkles form?

To know how Botox works, we first need to discuss how you get wrinkles in the first place. 

When you’re young, your skin is full of proteins called collagen and elastin. These proteins keep your skin soft and plump and allow it to snap back in place when it’s stretched. However, as you grow older, your skin naturally starts to dry out due to sun exposure and general aging, making it fragile. 

All these factors lead to what are called dynamic wrinkles. Whenever you make any kind of facial expression, you contract muscles that can form wrinkles. Young skin can handle the demands of these colorful expressions, but older and more fragile skin cannot. 

Botox versus dynamic wrinkles

To stop dynamic wrinkles from forming, you need a way to keep your muscles from contracting. And this is exactly what Botox does. 

Botox is a protein derived from the toxin botulinum. In large amounts, it can be fatal, but when it’s applied by the professionals at Pure Bliss Med Spa in carefully calculated doses, it can prevent and eradicate dynamic wrinkles.

When Botox injections are precisely placed in the wrinkled area, the substance interrupts the nerve signaling system, keeping your muscles from being able to contract and causing temporary muscle paralysis. If the muscles can’t contact, wrinkles can’t form. 

What to expect from Botox injections

During a Botox appointment, our team carefully places the injections in the desired treatment areas. Botox is administered with ultra-fine needles, so it should only cause mild discomfort. If you’re worried about pain, our team can provide you with ice or a topical numbing cream to prioritize your comfort.

About a week after your injections, you should notice a significant decrease in the appearance of wrinkles. To get the most out of your results, make sure to take good care of your skin. The effects of Botox only last about three months, so if you’d like the injections to keep working against wrinkles, we recommend coming in for repeat appointments.

To learn more about Botox or our other available cosmetic treatments, call our office at 678-515-3653, or schedule an appointment online.